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Mental Health Screening

40 mins

In-person & Online session

Available therapist(s):

  • Professional therapists

    (Renée, Esther, Fiona, Shayne, Harsimrran, Jessica, JY Tan, Alicia)

  • Trainee counselors

    (Anusha, Reuben, Yun Shiuan, Tiffany)

It is human collective experience that we all experience varying forms of emotional distress such as stress, anxiety and mood swings at one point or another in our lives, attributed by different reasons, each with different intensity and level of distress. It could be because of financial concerns, career setback, relationships issues, personal loss or some other reason. Typically, our resilience would help us bounce back to our usual functioning level eventually. However, it is not uncommon that sometimes we might need a little extra help to do so.

Perhaps you are feeling sad, low or empty and these feelings are becoming regular and active in your life. Or, maybe you’re noticing certain patterns in your life that are causing some disruptions to your day-to-day functioning, work and/or relationships. Perhaps you’re not feeling like your usual self and finding it increasingly difficult to cope with life events and stressors. Sometimes the signs of mental or emotional distress are obvious but at other times, they can be hard to identify.

Just like physical health: everybody has mental health and we need to take care of it. Our mental health is on a spectrum, and can range from good to poor. When you take care of your mental health, it strengthens your ability to cope with everyday stressors and handle challenges more effectively.

It is good news that therapy has become more accessible and a quick Google check on “mental health services”, “mental health therapist”, “mental health counselor”, “Mental Health Screening Near Me” and “mental health therapist near me” would provide a list of all the available service providers and services, it is not without its own set of challenges. There may be an abundance of therapists when you search for “mental health therapist near me”, choosing who to kickstart your therapy journey with can feel overwhelming.

In today’s time, you can easily access all the readily available information provided by mental health therapist(s) and mental health counselor(s) to understand about the different types of mental health Therapist Services Near Me and this has helped to increase awareness on the importance of mental health, yet there may be unanswered doubts about therapy that you may have.

While we acknowledge that it is important to seek help, we also believe that it will help you make an informed decision if you’re given a safe space to ask a professional mental health therapist, Soul Counselling or mental health counselor any therapy-related questions, clarify any therapy-related doubts and undergo a screening to gain a clearer view about your current mental health status, prior to committing to therapy.

What to expect in a mental health screening session:

In a mental health screening session, you get to check in with a Mental Counselling Near Me therapist or mental health counselor on your mental health status, discuss any mental health related concerns and potential areas to explore in therapy, explore suitable options for mental health services pertaining to your concerns, identify areas of growth, ask any therapy-related questions and receive mental health-related information*.

*Subject to case by case basis.

Consider mental health screening if you:

  • would like to understand your mental health state

  • notice any unusual changes in thoughts, emotions and/or behaviors

  • would like to experience how a therapy session is like before committing to therapy

*The list is not exhaustive.