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Mental Health Screening
40 mins
In-person & Online session
Just like physical health: everybody has mental health and we need to take care of it. Our mental health is on a spectrum, and can range from good to poor.
In a mental health screening session, you get to check in on your mental health status, discuss any mental health related concerns and potential areas to explore in therapy, identify areas of growth, ask any therapy-related questions and receive mental health-related information*.
*Subject to case by case basis.
Consider this if you:
would like to understand your mental health state
notice any unusual changes in thoughts, emotions and/or behaviors
would like to experience how a therapy session is like before committing to therapy
*The list is not exhaustive.
Child/Expressive Therapy (Play Therapy)
For 3 years old to 12 years old
50 mins
Play therapy is a form of counseling for children. It helps them address behavioral, emotional, and social problems by allowing them to express themselves. Children are likely to "play out" their feelings and issues during play, enabling us to address these concerns. Play therapy is play with a therapeutic objective.
Play is a universal expression for children and is essential for their physical, emotional, and social development. It is the most developmentally appropriate and powerful medium for young children to build adult-child relationships, develop cause-and-effect thinking critical for impulse control, process stressful experiences, and learn social skills. Additionally, play possesses therapeutic powers.
Play or expressive therapy can also be used for pre-teens, teenagers, and even adults when traditional ‘talking therapy’ is ineffective or when individuals are unable or unwilling to express themselves verbally.
Consider this if your child experiences or experienced:
anger/emotion regulation/behavioural problems
attachment issues
autistic spectrum traits/tendencies
communication/friendship problems
delayed development
focus and concentration problems
pre/post-natal and childhood trauma
school refusal
social exclusion
nightmares and disturbed sleep
withdrawn/constantly unhappy
separated/divorced parents
emotional, physical or sexual abuse
*The list is not exhaustive.
Filial Therapy
For 3 years old to 12 years old
50 mins
In-person session
Filial play therapy is a psychoeducational therapeutic approach that involves parents in the sessions, allowing them to collaborate with the therapist to facilitate change in the child. This method can enhance parenting practices and confidence while strengthening the parent-child relationship.
A positive attachment between parent and child promotes healthy development and mental well-being, providing a buffer against life stresses. Therefore, filial play therapy serves both preventive and interventive functions for a wide range of psychosocial difficulties.
Consider this if you:
you want to improve your relationship with your child (preventive)
usually recommended by the therapist when (one of) the underlying issue is related to the parent-child relationship (interventive)
*The list is not exhaustive.
Parent Coaching
Parent of any age
50 mins
In-person and online session
Parent coaching is a type of therapy that provides support and guidance to help parents navigate their roles. A parenting framework will be utilized to teach parents specific strategies and skills for addressing behavioral challenges and supporting their child's development.
The goal of parent coaching is to empower parents to become more confident, effective, and resilient in their roles. It also aims to shift parents’ approaches and communication styles to foster better connections with their children, allowing them to offer guidance with less judgment and more acceptance. As a result, parents will be able to give directions and offer advice without triggering defensive reactions.
Consider this if:
you are stressed and struggling as a parent and in need of emotional support
you are having difficulty understanding and managing your child, teenager, or young adult
you have a neurodivergent child and require support
you want to learn about effective parenting strategies
*The list is not exhaustive.
Adolescent Counseling
For 12 years old to 17 years old
60 mins
In-person & Online session
Adolescence is called the age or period of turbulence, where every individual goes through certain changes in their mental as well as physical structure. Through adolescent counseling, the adolescent is able to learn the root cause and make sense of their feelings, behaviors and thoughts. This helps them to explore the issues they are having and identify the available options as they navigate through the challenges. This can help improve the child’s overall mood, self-worth, and confidence, boost their self-esteem while also learning to use various outside resources to cope with the situations they are in.
Consider this if you:
would like to provide your child with a space for self-expression and self-exploration
notice any unusual changes in thoughts, emotions and/or behaviors in your child
would like to equip your child with more resources and coping skills through challenging phase
*The list is not exhaustive.
Individual Therapy
For 18 years old and above
60 mins
In-person & Online session
Individual session allows you to explore your feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of your life that you would like to change, better understand yourself and others, set personal goals, and work towards desired change.
Consider this if you:
are undergoing challenging issue in your life
have experienced past stressful, difficult and/or traumatic events
have difficulty coping and functioning (i.e. cannot focus on work or school, behavior concerns)
are looking to inspire change and improve quality of life
would like to explore and understand about yourself
would like to learn skills to handle difficult situations, make healthy decisions, and reach your goals
*The list is not exhaustive.
Career Counseling
60 mins
In-person & Online session
Career counseling can help an individual explore skills and strengths, determine their talents, values, preferences, and ultimately, work towards achieving their vocational goals. This will also help individual to enter the workforce, change careers, and look for employment opportunities.
Consider this if you:
are preparing to enter workforce
are unsure about your soon-to-be, present and/or future career paths
are considering career change
have been feeling unhappy, stressed and/or dissatisfied about work
would like to identify your values and strengths, and learn to apply them in your career
would like to explore what you need to do to achieve your career goals
*The list is not exhaustive.
Couples Therapy
90 mins
In-person & Online session
"Love is a feeling, but a healthy relationship is a skill set.”
Couples session increases your understanding of not just yourself, but also your partner. You will discover the patterns of interaction that may have become unhelpful to the relationship, learn what each other value most, and develop a plan to build a more fulfilling relationship.
Consider this if you:
would like to improve connection and communication with your partner
want to make your good relationships better and learn new relationship skills
find that the intimacy or communication is stuck
are feeling stuck about how to manage a hard decision together
are having the same fight over and over again without resolution
are considering splitting up
notice a major stressor on the relationship such as infidelity, financial strain, or trauma
*The list is not exhaustive.
Family Counseling
90 mins
In-person & Online session
Family session can help to improve the communication between members of the family, address family issues, learn to understand and manage challenging family situations, and create safe and healthy family relationships.
Consider this if there have been:
conflicts between family members
financial problems or disagreements about money
changes of events and/or behaviors within the family
increase in emotional reactions within the family
significant breakdown in communication between family members
*The list is not exhaustive.
Psychological Assessments
Duration varies
In-person & Online session
Psychological assessments and reports can provide valuable information about self-perception, cognitive thinking and behavioral analysis of the ways individuals may think, process and apply information to real-life situations. Often used in identifying learning, development, psychiatric and neuro-cognitive vulnerabilities in both adults and children, understanding these factors can be of huge benefit to an individual as understanding the manner in which your thought process works, the way you apply information to real-life problems and the way you deal with emotions and feelings can provide an objective view of your cognitive thinking.
A psychological assessment may also assist in developing different methods in approaching real-life issues that can be discomforting and may allow a better understanding of why an individual may be experiencing stress in some domains of life and help develop methods to manage these stresses.
Clinical Intake Interview
A clinical intake interview with our clinical psychologist is required before any assessment can be booked. The clinical interview is required to assess your symptoms and needs to determine the type of assessment(s) to be administered.
Clinical psychologist will administer different assessments to evaluate an individual’s behavior, character, strengths, and needs for the purpose of diagnosing, setting goals, and recommending treatment.
Clinical psychologist can provide a written psychological assessment report detailing the results and interpretations which is typically used for medical purposes, application for disabilities / special needs services, or insurance claims. This is not applicable for court-mandated purposes.
Consider this if you:
are looking to assess either yourself or an individual’s cognitive abilities, such as memory, problem-solving skills, and intellectual functioning
are seeking help to identify the underlying causes of symptoms and provide a basis for developing a treatment plan that is tailored to your or an individual’s needs
are looking for ways to better understand the nature of your or an individual’s struggles and the options available for addressing them
*The list is not exhaustive.

We understand that financial limitation can be stressful when seeking for help and we do not want it to be your obstacle.
In Soul Space, we provide services covered by professional therapists and trainee counselors with different pricing. Find one that fits your budget.