Results-Driven Approach

Ready to kickstart the journey

Ready to kickstart the journey? We’re here to help.

We know it feels good to be heard — but at Soul Space, it’s that, and more. We want to help you achieve your goal by putting action behind that support. This means giving you the practical tools you need to live a joyous and more fulfilling life.

Is change going to be easy? No.
Is real and lasting change hard work? Yes.
Good news is, it is possible. We see it happen every day.

You can’t stop the waves

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

- Jon Kabat-Zinn

All therapists actively listen. At Soul Space, we believe in not just undivided attention, but also giving you the tools you need to make real and lasting change.

No one size fits all

No one size fits all because we are all unique.

Each individual is unique with their own life journey. At Soul Space, we honor your experiences, personality, attitude, perspectives, basically anything that makes you, YOU. We personalize the approach we use when working with you based on your concerns and needs.

Share your story in a safe space

Share your story in a safe space.

Our voice helps us to express ourselves, what we think, how we feel, and so on. While there is freedom in speaking, it is not always that we feel safe enough to speak up. Or feel heard without being judged. At Soul Space, our therapists provide you with a safe space while you express yourself, or if you are in the process of finding your own voice because you matter.

Language - to express, communicate and connect.

Language - to express, communicate and connect.

Whether you are a monolingual or multilingual, at Soul Space, we celebrate diversity with our multilingual therapists - English, Malay, Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, Tamil, Hindi and Punjabi.

How to get started

  • Book Appointment

    Browse through therapist profiles and book an appointment

    *Therapy within one hour, in person or online

    *Walk-ins and same day appointments are available during operation hours

  • Make Payment

    Secure appointment by following payment instructions during last step of booking

  • Attend The Session

    Fill in and submit registration form as per instructions; attend the session

There is no shame in asking for help or reaching out for support.