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Adolescent Counseling

For 12 years old to 17 years old

60 mins

In-person & Online session

Available therapist(s):

  • Professional therapists

    (Fiona, Alicia)

  • Trainee counselors

    (Anusha, Tiffany, Reuben)

Adolescence is the stage when we make transition from child to adult. This is a crucial stage of individuation where teenagers experiment with new social roles, behaviors, and situations, also known as the age or period of turbulence, where every individual goes through certain changes in their mental as well as physical structure. Physically, adolescents start seeing changes in their bodies, a process referred to as puberty, and is a time that leaves them confused as the changes in hormones start affecting their moods and thoughts.

These developmental changes may predispose adolescents to be more sensitive, to experience mood swings, and to have fluctuating confidence levels. Besides developmental changes, young people are also faced with enormous pressures from their surroundings and are more vulnerable. Any parent can attest to the fact that the adolescence stage of any child can be extremely difficult and confusing.

Adolescent counseling can help improve the child’s overall mood, self-worth, and confidence, boost their self-esteem while also learning to use various outside resources to cope with the situations they are in.

What to expect in an adolescent counseling session:

During an adolescent counseling session, the adolescent will be guided through different techniques to address their feelings and thoughts. The therapist will address different  things he or she might be going through and identify underlying issues they may have. Adolescent counselling also allows space for exploration and identify the available options as they navigate through those changes and challenges.

Adolescent counselling helps the adolescents make sense of their feelings, behaviors and thoughts and teaches them different skills to help them manage, allowing them to into healthy, sound-minded adults.

Consider adolescent counseling if you:

  • would like to provide your child with a space for self-expression and self-exploration

  • see that your child is withdrawing from their usual self

  • notice any unusual changes in thoughts in your child

  • notice that your child feels sad most of the time

  • notice your child is engaging in risk-taking behaviors

  • have been made aware that your child’s school and friendships are affected

  • notice your child is feeling confused and lost

  • would like to equip your child with more resources and coping skills through challenging phase

*The list is not exhaustive.