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Career Counseling

60 mins

In-person & Online session

Available therapist(s):

  • Professional therapists

    (Renée, Esther, Fiona, Shayne, Harsimrran, Jessica, JY Tan, Elynna)

  • Trainee counselors

    (Anusha, Reuben, Tiffany, Yun Shiuan)

The thought of entering the workforce, making a career switch or leaving a career can be daunting. While different questions may surface depending on what phase of life you are at, decision-making about one’s career is never easy. How many times have you wondered about the ‘What ifs’ and ‘If only' when visualizing your future career paths, reflecting on your current career and planning for your future life and career goals? The decision-making process can feel overwhelming for any individual at any stage of life, more so when the stakes are high with more aspects to consider.

Career counseling is designed to help with choosing, changing, or leaving a career and is available at any stage in life. One's career is often one of the most important aspects of adulthood, and embarking on a new career, whether for the first time, the second time, or any time thereafter, can be a stressful event, especially when there are other factors to consider but not limited to such as financial concerns, career goals, life goals and stability, one’s passion and interests, transferable skills and opportunities to leverage your strengths. One important thing to note is that career counseling is not limited to helping you make a vocational decision but through therapy for work stress, it is also an opportunity for you to gain insights into the work stressors that you have so you can look into the options and action plans to navigate through the challenges.

Benefits of career counseling vary from individual to individual but they can include exploration of skills and strengths, determining their talents, values, preferences, and ultimately, working towards achieving their vocational goals. As work makes up a large portion of an individual’s life in terms of investment of time and energy, aligning your career with your interests essentially help to increase your job satisfaction. This will also help individuals to reflect before entering the workforce, changing careers, and looking for employment opportunities. It may not be easy to decide what type of job will be the best fit, and since career counseling helps people assess their skills, needs, and desires in order to find a career that works for them, career counseling is an option to consider before deciding on a career.

What to expect in a career counseling session:

In a career counseling session, the therapist will help an individual explore skills and strengths, consider education levels, identify your work values and preferred work environment, work activities and work interactions. In addition, the therapist may explore the individual’s personal interests that may reflect preferences in a work environment. You will likely gain increased insights and clarity about your vocational needs, wants and goals which aids in your decision-making process. Another aspect of career counseling would be therapy for work stress which can guide you to identify stress-contributing areas in your career and work through them with the therapist.

Consider career counseling if you:

  • are preparing to enter workforce

  • would like to explore in which careers might a particular skill sets be useful

  • are unsure about your soon-to-be, present and/or future career paths

  • are considering career change

  • have been feeling unhappy, stressed and/or dissatisfied about work

  • would like to identify your values and strengths, and learn to apply them in your career

  • would like to explore your work values, preferred work activities, work environment and/or work interactions

  • would like to explore what you need to do to achieve your career goals

  • would like to explore the necessary skills/education for a desired career

  • would like to learn job-search skills such as interviewing, resume writing, and networking and practice them

*The list is not exhaustive.