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Individual Therapy

For 18 years old and above

60 mins

In-person & Online session

Available therapist(s):

  • Professional therapists

    (Renée, Esther, Fiona, Shayne, Harsimrran, Jessica, JY Tan, Alicia, Elynna)

  • Trainee counselors

    (Anusha, Reuben, Tiffany, Yun Shiuan)

We are all no strangers to the ups and downs in life. Sometimes, we could bounce back quickly, whereas other times, we might need some extra help to help us get through the challenges. Individual therapy is a personal opportunity to explore and process your feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of your life that you would like to change, better understand yourself and others, set personal goals, and work towards desired change. It offers a safe, caring and confidential environment where it can help one deal with various personal aspects in life such as anger, sadness, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, relationship challenges, parenting problems, school difficulties, and the list goes on.

Whether it is working with a trained therapist for anxiety, depression or other cognitive, emotional or behavioral challenges, individual therapy presents the opportunity to gain insights that will help you to better understand your situations and explore options available to navigate the journey. Some may wonder, “Do I need to be clinically diagnosed to attend therapy?”. The answer is no.

For instance, a trained therapist for anxiety provides anxiety counseling, however, it is important to highlight that this does not mean that only individuals with clinically diagnosed anxiety disorders can seek therapy. The reason being is that we all experience a certain level of anxiety at one point or another in our lives - ranging from being asked to deliver a presentation, to speaking to a large group of audience in an unfamiliar setting, to sitting for an academic exam paper for a subject that you do not feel confident about, and so on. Therefore, anxiety counseling can help you uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears, learn to look at situations in different perspectives and develop more helpful coping skills to reduce the level of anxiety which you can use even after the session.

Another example would be trauma counseling. One of the misconceptions about trauma is that it needs to be something major or something that is experienced first-hand to qualify as trauma. Or that an individual must be diagnosed with PTSD to seek trauma counseling. This is far from the truth. While there are different types of trauma, trauma counseling is built on the basis of how an individual’s physical, mental and emotional well-being is affected by the traumatic experiences. It is not the magnitude of the event that is the focus, it is the effects on the individual.

What to expect in an individual therapy session:

In an individual therapy session, the individual therapist may go over your medical history and ask about your overall physical, emotional, and mental health. Exploration about your life, family relationships and other life events may also take place. To set your therapy goals, the individual therapist may ask your reasons for seeking therapy to discuss how therapy can be helpful.

Consider individual therapy if you:

  • are undergoing challenging issue in your life

  • have experienced past stressful, difficult and/or traumatic events

  • have difficulty coping and functioning (i.e. cannot focus on work or school, behavior concerns)

  • are looking to inspire change and improve quality of life

  • would like to explore and understand about yourself

  • would like to learn skills to handle difficult situations, make healthy decisions, and reach your goals

*The list is not exhaustive.